Ellis Sareen is ranked in Chambers & Partners

2023-11-07T15:59:44+00:00December 9th, 2022|

NEWS Chambers is delighted that Ellis Sareen has been recognised as a leader in his field in POCA and Asset Forfeiture in Chambers & Partners “An extraordinarily clever barrister, who really understands English Law across the board to a very sophisticated degree. A man [...]

Ellis Sareen secures acquittal in attempted murder case

2023-11-08T16:46:12+00:00February 22nd, 2021|

NEWS Ellis Sareen, instructed by Seema Parikh of MPR Solicitors, secured an acquittal for an 18-year-old amateur boxer from Woking charged with the attempted murder of his former sparring partner. The assiduous pursuit of disclosure from the prosecution revealed social media messages from the complainant which [...]

Foundry Chambers host Criminal Litigation Update

2023-11-08T22:00:35+00:00April 30th, 2019|

NEWS Chambers was delighted to host and deliver its Criminal Litigation update to members of the LBLA. Michael Newbold, Ellis Sareen, Bethany Condron and Ed Gordon-Saker spoke on topics ranging from bad character,  disclosure, hearsay and general case preparation. Members of Chambers are always happy to [...]

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