€34m Account Forfeiture Order made

2023-11-07T23:09:54+00:00October 26th, 2021|

NEWS Michael Newbold and Natalie McNamee (led by Jonathan Hall QC of 6KBW College Hill) were instructed by CPS Proceeds of Crime in applications for the making of two account forfeiture orders at Westminster Magistrates’ Court. The case, the first in which the DPP [...]

Mike Newbold ranked as Leading Junior

2023-11-08T19:35:44+00:00October 29th, 2020|

NEWS Chambers is delighted that Michael Newbold has been recommended as a leader in his field in Proceeds of Crime and Asset Forfeiture in both Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500. "He's a steady, methodical, calm and cerebral individual." “He provides clear and [...]

£7.3m Money Laundering Confiscation Order

2023-11-08T21:12:02+00:00September 4th, 2019|

NEWS On 2nd September 2019, following a contested Proceeds of Crime Act hearing, Southwark Crown Court made a confiscation order requiring Ellias Preko to pay £7,324,268.41 within 3 months, with a term of 10 years imprisonment to be served in default. Mr Preko was [...]

Foundry Chambers host Criminal Litigation Update

2023-11-08T22:00:35+00:00April 30th, 2019|

NEWS Chambers was delighted to host and deliver its Criminal Litigation update to members of the LBLA. Michael Newbold, Ellis Sareen, Bethany Condron and Ed Gordon-Saker spoke on topics ranging from bad character,  disclosure, hearsay and general case preparation. Members of Chambers are always happy to [...]

Court of Appeal rules on mutual recognition

2023-11-08T22:11:24+00:00March 29th, 2019|

NEWS The Court of Appeal handed down judgment on 26 March in the case of Regina v Paul Moss [2019] EWCA Crim 501, upholding a decision of the Crown Court at St Albans to certify a confiscation order for enforcement in Spain. In an important judgment [...]

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