Disgraced lawyer convicted in Montserrat
Richard Jory QC and Henry Gordon prosecuted the case of Warren Cassell, a practising attorney, who was unanimously convicted by a jury on 22 June 2022 of concealing or disguising the proceeds of criminal conduct following trial at the Montserrat High Court. Mr Cassell hijacked a Montserrat-based property company owned by two American citizens. His dishonest scheme saw him produce numerous documents which he provided to the Land Registry to persuade them to accept him as a legitimate director of the company. He then set about selling off individual plots of land and received funds to the value of EC$855,340. When challenged, he threatened one of the directors with court action and costs. Mr Cassell was sentenced by Mr Justice Stanley John to a prison term of 3 years 6 months, taking into account time previously served. A timetable for confiscation proceedings has been set. Richard and Henry were instructed by the DPP of Montserrat, Mr Oris Sullivan.