In the UK system, decisions on immigration status are made not by courts but by Home Office decision makers applying the Immigration Rules. Unless swiftly challenged, adverse decisions can split families, prevent individuals from taking up business and employment opportunities, and impede businesses in recruiting specialist staff. Members of Foundry Chambers offer advice and representation to individuals seeking to challenge Home Office decisions. They have experience in appeals to the First Tier Tribual (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), further appeals to the Upper Tribunal and Court of Appeal, and judicial review in the Upper Tribunal and in the High Court. Members also advise UK businesses seeking to employ foreign nationals. Some members of chambers can act on a direct access basis in appropriate cases.
In addition to their work for individuals and businesses, members of Chambers also act for the Home Office, appearing for the Secretary of State in the First-Tier and Upper Tribunals, in the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal.
‘An excellent set of chambers who go above and beyond for both instructing solicitors and counsel.’

‘Foundry Chambers are renown for their depth of expertise in fraud representation both from prosecution and defence, which adds to their complete roundness and ability.’

‘A set with an illustrious track record, Foundry Chambers has over the years handled criminal matters of great importance and built up a strong reputation for its appellate work.’

‘experienced in the handling of a wide range of financial crime matters.’

‘this set offers a quality service to both solicitor and lay client.’