Tax Litigation
Foundry Chambers has significant expertise in cases involving indirect taxes and represents both the taxpayer and HMRC. Members of Foundry Chambers regularly appear in the First-tier and Upper Tribunals of the Tax Chamber, High Court and the Court of Appeal and have acted in a number of the leading cases in the field. The area of indirect taxes often requires an understanding of complex EU law and how it operates with domestic legislation. Members of Chambers have significant expertise in the EU directives and codes relating to indirect taxes. Members of Chambers are now increasingly being sought after in relation to disputes concerning direct taxes, particularly in relation to proceedings under COP9.
In relation to VAT members of Foundry Chambers have appeared in cases concerning:
In relation to Excise Duty and other Customs Duties members of Foundry Chambers have appeared in cases concerning:
Members of Foundry Chambers have also been instructed to appear in the High Court in judicial review proceedings arising out of HMRC decisions including those in relation to the WOWGR and AWRS approval system and HMRC’s use of powers including inspection and information notices.