Foundry Chambers Seminar
You are warmly invited to a Foundry Chambers seminar covering the following topics:
- The relationship and variances between SOPOs and SHPOs focusing on the landmark case of R v Rowlett[2020] Crim 1748 by counsel in the case John McGuinness QC &
James Gwatkin
- The new sentencing guidelines for firearms and prohibited weapons that came into force on 1st January 2021, including where these guidelines differ from earlier
versions and the areas in which they are more ‘defendant friendly’. David Smith
Time: 6pm
Date: Thursday, 18th February 2021
CPD: 1 hr
Link: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 7005 5061
Passcode: 726818
The seminar will last for 45 mins to 1hr. You are welcome to join the talk at any stage, but an RSVP to would be welcome to have an idea of numbers.