Mukul Chawla KC

Mukul Chawla KC leads for defendant acquitted of conspiracy to commit bribery

Mukul Chawla KC leading Carina Clare of 23ES Chambers represented a defendant (JM) at Swansea Crown Court acquitted of conspiracy to commit bribery. The defendant  (a young man of previous exemplary character) was arrested with 5 others in February 2018. Following a lengthy and detailed investigation by the South Wales Police and investigators from Cardiff City Council into serious allegations of bribery centred on the Bessemer Close Commercial Recycling Centre, JM was Sent a Notice of Requisition to attend court in April 2022. Four of his co-accused pleaded guilty while JM and another faced trial in July 2023. In the event, JM was unanimously acquitted by the Jury after a trial lasting four weeks. Of the six defendants charged, JM was the only one who was acquitted. The five other defendants were sentenced on 9 November to terms of imprisonment ranging from 18 to 28 months immediate imprisonment for three defendants and, for the remaining two defendants, suspended sentences of imprisonment of 9 to 14 months coupled with requirements to perform unpaid work.

Mukul and Carina were instructed by Nadeem Majid and Michael Prosser of M & M Solicitors in Cardiff.